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Terms & Conditions

  1. The proposal for hire is accepted subject to payment on the terms set out on your Provisional Booking Invoice. All Ad-Hoc bookings must be paid in advance with cleared funds showing. If payment is not made at those times your booking may be cancelled. If you cancel a booking (which must be done in writing), the hire charge can only be repaid if the hall can be sublet or alternatively if repayment is approved by HVHCA.  Bookings that are made more than three months in advance are subject to an initial deposit of £25 which is not refundable if you later cancel the booking. The hire is also subject to payment of a refundable bond, where we require such a bond.

  2. HVHCA reserves the right to refuse to accept a booking without giving a reason.

  3. If for reasons outside its control HVHCA needs to cancel a booking – for example if the hall is required for use as a polling station or because of any national or local emergency – the hire fee will be refunded in full, but HVHCA cannot accept any liability beyond that.

  4. You, the hirer, must be over the age of 18 and are responsible for adhering to all these terms and conditions.

  5. The hire is made on the understanding that, if children are present during the period of hire, you will make an appropriate risk assessment and ensure adequate adult supervision based on government guidelines (one adult to every 8 or 10 children, depending on the children’s age, with a minimum of two adults).

  6. The hall is made available for use only by you. You may not sublet the hall – the period of hire may not be transferred to any other person.

  7. The hall may only be used for the purpose specified on the booking form. Unlawful activities must not be allowed to occur during the period of hire.

  8. The maximum number of people who may be admitted to the hall at any one time is stated at the time of booking. This number must not be exceeded.

  9. The period for which the hall is hired is the maximum period of time for which you may use the hall. It therefore includes any time needed to set up the hall before the function and time to complete tidying up afterwards.

  10. Before the hire begins you agree that any person who will be supervising the hall has read the hall’s emergency procedure notices and is familiar with the location and operation of the fire doors.

  11. Emergency exit signs must be uncovered at all times. Internal fire-stop doors must be kept closed,or allowed to close automatically and must not be propped open.  Access routes to fire exits must be kept clear at all times.

  12. If the hire is of the main hall at the Elizabeth Hall and use of the stage has not been requested in advance, you may not use it.

  13. In the event of fire – however small – or any suspicion of fire, the fire alarm must be activated and the fire brigade called.

  14. If at any time the fire alarm sounds you must immediately ensure that you and all your guests evacuate the premises. The Assembly points are clearly posted at the entrance to the halls.

  15. Any accident involving injury to an individual must be recorded on an “Accident Report Form”, a pad of which is kept in the halls’ foyers. You are responsible for the First Aid and Health and Safety of your guests during the period of hire.

  16. You agree to ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements related to the purpose for which the hall is to be used. If alcohol is to be sold you must give a Temporary Event Notice to the licensing authority and you must inform the halls manager at the time of booking if this is to be done.  Failure to notify the manager may constitute a breach of these terms and conditions. HVHCA insists its hirers adopt “Challenge 25”.

  17. You may not permit consumption (free or charged for) of alcohol by minors during your hire period.

  18. You must ensure that noise, including that made by arriving or departing guests, is kept to a reasonable level so as not to disturb nearby residents. Music must not be audible from outside the hall after 10pm and therefore windows and doors should be closed by that time.

  19. Smoking is not allowed in any part of the buildings or rear grounds, and only in the permitted designated smoking areas.

  20. Fireworks; naked flames (other than small candles on cakes) or any hazardous materials may not be taken into the hall, nor may fireworks, bonfires or open fire pits be ignited in the grounds.

  21. Helium-filled balloons may not be used in the halls as they are likely to interfere with the alarm system.

  22. You may not attach anything to the fabric of the halls, whether by nails, pins, adhesive tape, Blu-Tack or by any other method.

  23. Assistance dogs may be brought into the halls. HVHCA will consider giving permission for other animals/ living creatures to be brought in, but you must first seek permission from the hall manager – if possible, at the time of booking.  An additional charge may be applied to cover any consequential damage and cleaning.

  24. Any equipment you bring to the hall must be safe and fit for its intended purpose, electrical items should be PAT tested.

  25. You may use the equipment in the kitchen appropriate to the booked hall, but must wash up all crockery and utensils, supplying your own tea towels. Washing up liquid is provided in the kitchens.

  26. The halls have insurance cover against risks arising from use of the halls or the halls’ equipment. It is your responsibility to arrange adequate insurance coverage against risks arising in connection with any of your equipment or facilities or negligence of yourself or your guests.  You agree to indemnify HVHCA against any and all claims that may be made against HVHCA, by third parties, in respects of events or actions by yourself or your guests, and to indemnify HVHCA against any loss or damage to its property that is caused by you or your guests.

  27. You are liable for any damage to any part of the building or to any of the halls’ equipment if caused by any person, whether or not your own guest. Any damage or deficiency that you notice at the beginning of the hire must immediately be drawn to the hall manager’s attention. You agree to compensate HVHCA without undue delay for the fair and reasonable costs of repair to the building.

  28. HVHCA reserves the right to request a security deposit. This deposit will be refunded when the hall is returned in a satisfactory condition. If damage is caused above the amount of deposit held, you agree to compensate HVHCA without undue delay for the fair and reasonable costs of repair to the building.

  29. Any concerns over anti-social behavior or risk to the property must be notified to the Duty Manager immediately using the contact details provided at the entrance to the building.

  30. HVHCA has a zero-tolerance drug policy. You and your guests are not permitted to administer, be in possession of, or under the influence of any illegal drugs. HVHCA reserves the right to terminate your hire immediately if they believe the zero-tolerance drug policy has been violated. The hirer shall not be entitled to a refund of any monies already paid and HVHCA will not be liable for any penalties or costs incurred by the hirer. HVHCA will report any such occurrences to the police.

  31. You must vacate the hall at the end of the agreed hire period. You must leave it clean and tidy; the windows and doors closed, and all rubbish removed from the site.  Any equipment brought in by or for you must be removed.  You must also re-stack the tables and chairs as instructed by the hall manager.  Additional charges may be levied if the hall is not vacated by the end of the hire period or if it is not left clear and tidy.

  32. During the period of hire every attempt will be made to allow exclusive use to you. You do, however, agree to allow admission to any official; contractor, or other person authorised by HVHCA.  The kitchen(s), however, is/are a shared facility and cannot be exclusively booked.

  33. You and your guests may make non-exclusive use of the car parks at the halls. Cars must be parked within the designated spaces and with due consideration to other users.  At the Community Centre the only parking permitted is in the Parish car park alongside the fields.  Cars must not be parked in other spaces, which are for the sole use of residents.

  34. You may also make non-exclusive use of the hall grounds, but may not erect tents, marquees or other temporary structures unless prior permission has been obtained from HVHCA.

  35. HVHCA reserves the right to close either building with no notice due to any emergency. HVHCA also may be required to lend the building for use as part of the wider Hook evacuation plan. HVHCA may cancel with short or no notice any bookings that coincide with the need for the building to be used for another (emergency) purpose. The hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any monies already paid and HVHCA will not be liable for any penalties or costs incurred by the hirer.

  36. Hirers are not permitted to erect any banners, posters etc. on the property or within Hook Village without the expressed written consent of both HVHCA and any appropriate local governing body. (e.g. Hook Parish Council, Hampshire Highways etc.) Any banner, posters etc. found within the village or the property will be removed and destroyed. HVHCA or any other governing body will not be liable for any losses, penalties or costs incurred by the removal of any unauthorized advertising.

  37. Delaying our appointed security company in their contracted duty without reasonable cause will result in a penalty charge of no more than £50.00 being imposed per occurrence.

  38. In the event of breach of any of these terms and conditions HVHCA reserves the absolute right summarily to terminate the hire without compensating you.

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